Monday, April 28, 2008

tied up and twisted the way i like to be..

i don't know what it is about last night's dream that bothers me the most. the fact that it was so vivid, i woke up and felt like it was something that had happened the day before, and i actually wanted to pick up the phone and call him. or the fact that it was so much more personalble than our relationship has been in so long. or maybe because i still feel like that? perhaps my biggest problem, my bieest fear, is that i can't wear a poker face..

1 comment:

Mark said...

All bets are off when it comes to dreams... it's worth remembering that it's all your own memories and voices. One can feel the most impossibly perfect connections to someone else in a dream. That said, there's always the chance that we're all much more telepathic than we know, right?